Settings that affect individual components. Components are reusable content that is smaller than an entire page.
Delete: delete this component.
Save as new: create a new component with the same settings (has no effect on existing component).
Save and continue editing: save changes without returning to component list.
Close: return to page list without saving changes.
Save: save changes and return to component list.
History: list of past modifications to the component.
Name: name of component. It’s helpful to include CP if it’s meant for a computer screen or MB for a mobile screen.
Enabled: whether component can be included or not.
Always include: component will be included by default. If this is unchecked, components can be included via page settings.
Tag: anything you like.
Screen size: the screen size with which the component is compatible.
Object ID: can be set to anything; used for additional javascript or CSS.
Section: section in which the component will be used
Illustrator file: Adobe Illustrator file used (can be empty)
Z-index: relative depth (compared to other component). Determines which components will be shown in front of and behind others.
Instructions: anything you like. Useful if a component requires some explanation, or to remember details associated with its use.
Components are superimposed on the page behind. This is intentional, because it allows transparency effects in the component.
Coordinates are the same as in Illustrator: 0, 0 is the upper left corner.
Horizontal offset (px): move the component to the left or right
Vertical offset (px): move the component up or down
Position: where the component is positioned (before offsets)
Floating/Attached: whether or not the component scrolls with the page (none is useful if you will be programming the CSS manually).
Scripts settings are the same in Components, Pages and Script Sets.
Enabled: whether or not the script will be included
Name: anything you like
Type: the type of script and where it will be included.
- CSS: stylesheet · loaded before page
- head JS: javascript · loaded before page
- body JS: javascript · loaded after page
- HTML: HTML · loaded after page
- form: HTML form · loaded after page
Load order: determines which order scripts will be loaded compared to other scripts of the same kind.
Content: the script to be used or the name of a file in SYNC/SVIJA/Scripts.
Delete? the script will be deleted when the settings are saved.