

Settings that affect individual pages.

There should be a separate page for each screen size (a “mobile” version and a “computer” version).

Delete: delete this page

Save as new: create a new page with the same settings (has no effect on existing page)

Save and continue editing: save changes without returning to page list

Close: return to page list without saving changes.

Save: save changes and return to page list

History: list of past modifications to the page.

Address: the address of the page. Visible in the browser address bar unless this page is the default page for a section.

Title: page title, visible in the browser

Screen size: which screen size this page is meant for

Section: which section this page is meant for

More Settings

Tag: anything you like. Use tag to organize your content.

Default components: whether or not page will include components that are set to “always include”.

Default scripts: whether or not page will include script sets that are set to “always include”.

Default dimensions: whether or not page will use dimensions set in screen size settings

The next four settings apply if “default dimensions” is unchecked.

Artboard width: width of Illustrator artboard.

Visible width: width visible when window is loaded.

X offset: how much of left edge of page will be hidden when page is loaded.

Y offset: how much of top edge of page will be hidden when page is loaded.

The next two settings apply to hidden content meant for accessibility or SEO use. By default, links are created between every page on the website.

Link name: the name of the page used in the <a href=…> tag in links between pages.

Accessibility content: HTML content visible to screen readers and search engine crawlers.

Notes: anything you like.

Publication date: date the page was created.

Illustrator Files

You can include more than one Illustrator file. They will be included one after the other (as opposed to being superimposed).

Enabled: whether the Illustrator file will be shown. You can use this setting to quickly change between different content — just enable the version you want to show and disable the others.

Filename: the Illustrator file name. This is case-sensitive.

Z index: the order in which the Illustrator file will be drawn.

Delete? checking this box will delete the Illustrator file setting (but not the actual Illustrator file) when settings are saved.

Additional Scripts

Scripts settings are the same in Components, Pages and Script Sets.

Enabled: whether or not the script will be included.

Name: anything you like

Type: the type of script and where it will be included.

  • CSS: stylesheet · loaded before page
  • head JS: javascript · loaded before page
  • body JS: javascript · loaded after page
  • HTML: HTML · loaded after page
  • form: HTML form · loaded after page

Load order: determines which order scripts will be loaded compared to other scripts of the same kind.

Content: the script to be used or the name of a file in SYNC/SVIJA/Scripts.

Delete: the script will be deleted when the settings are saved.


Enabled: whether or not the component will be included.

Component: which component to include.

Z index: the order the component will be drawn in, relative to other components

Delete? the component will be removed from this page when the settings are saved (but the component itself will not be affected).

Script Sets

Enabled: whether or not the script set will be included.

Script set: which script set to include.

Delete? the script set will be removed from this page when the settings are saved (but the script set itself will not be affected).