The easiest way to understand Sections is to think of them as a way to offer different languages on your website. In fact, that’s how they started out!
If each section was a different language, what settings would be necessary?
Delete: delete this section.
Save as new: create a new section with the same settings (has no effect on existing section).
Save and continue editing: save changes without returning to section list.
Close: return to section list without saving changes.
Save: save changes and return to section list.
History: list of past modifications to the section.
Address: the address won’t be visible for the default section of your website, but for every other section it will be the first part of the overall page address:
Default page: the address of the page that you want to see by default (often “home”). This must correspond to the “address” setting of a page.
Description: anything you want.
Display order: if you have more than one section, this will determine the order in which they’re listed.
Title & iPhone Icon
Section title: the second part of the page title for any page in this section (the first part is in page settings).
iPhone icon name: label used when someone saves a link to their iPhone home screen
Email Settings
Settings used to determine who gets email from the website and how it is labeled.
Destination email: who will receive email sent from this section of the website
Bcc address: a second address to get email from this section of the website
Email subject: subject of email received from this section of the website
Return address label: label in the body of the email showing who sent the email
Contact Form Fields
Default values and labels visible in the contact form before it has been filled out.
Name: label of the name field (e.g. “first and last names”).
Business: secondary label.
Email: email address.
Message: the visitor’s message.
Send button: label used on send button.
Status Message & Alerts
The email form has a status field to keep the visitor informed of what is happening.
Initial status: visible before form is filled out.
While sending: visible when the user clicks “send”.
Email sent: visible when email is successfully sent.
Email sent (alert): alert when email is successfully sent.
Send failed (alert): alert if email sending fails.
Source Code Message
The Source Code message is what someone will see if they look at how your website is constructed.
It has no technical importance, but it’s a nice place to leave a message for someone who’s curious about the technology of your website.