These are the most general settings affecting your entire website.
In general, you’ll set them once at the beginning then never touch them.
Delete & Save as new: do not delete your website settings or create new website settings.
Save and continue editing: save changes without returning to the settings list.
Close: return to settings list without saving changes.
Save: save changes and return to settings list.
History: list of past modifications to the settings.
Site Address: the url at which the site can be visited, without the https://
Online: whether the site is visitable or not
Use “Display P3” color space: causes all Illustrator artwork to use the Display P3 color space for displaying pages. This results in exceptionally rich and vibrant colors (more information).
Analytics ID: if you are using Google Analytics, enter the ID here.
Cookies allowed by default: allows the website to use cookies (like Google Analytics) without the user having clicked on a warning.
Default Section: which section of the website will be show by default.
Robots.txt: which robots.txt file will be included by default. This will either allow or block Google from crawling the website.
Email Sending
Settings are used to configure a mail account for sending email from your website.
Typically, this will be a Gmail account that is configured just for your website (more information).
Email username: email address
Email password: password for the email address
Email server: SMTP server used to send email
Email server port: port used by SMTP server
Use TLS: Transport Layer Security is a standard internet protocol that encrypts email for privacy and secure delivery. This is required to use a Gmail address.