
Using a Custom Domain Name

To use a custom domain name, you must first buy it from a domain name registrar. The most used registrars are:

To use Svija with a custom domain, there are three steps:

  1. ask Svija for the IP address of your website
  2. add that address via the control panel for your domain name
  3. contact Svija to confirm that step 2 has been completed

To request the IP address, send an email to tech@svija.com (an IP address looks like

Once the steps below have been completed, send a second email to tech@svija.com to let us know.

Adding an IP address to your domain name

Connect to the control panel for your domain name. We’ll be using OVH as an example.

  • navigate to the list of your domains

Make sure you see the domain name you want to use.

  • click on the line labeled DNS zones in the image below

We’ll be modifying the A records (the 5th and 6th lines in the above image):

When you click Modify record, you’ll see the following form:

Update the field labeled “Target *” with the IP address supplied by Svija.

Click Next, then Confirm, and you’re done.

Send an email to tech@svija.com to let us know the domain is ready to be set up!

After The Change

Update the web site in Svija Sync or WinSCP:

  • in Settings, click on the website then click Modify
  • update the URL
  • update the local folder (you must do this even if it hasn’t changed)
  • click Done

Update the web site settings in Svija Cloud under URL & Settings:

  • update the address of the website (without http or slashes)
  • update Robots.txt if you want the site to be indexed by Google