
Svija Vibe Changelog

Wish list & planned modifications

  • flags for reversing & resetting animations
  • series of chained animations
  • more powerful debugging tools

2024.06.05 · 1.0.24

Manage the incompatibility of the new version of Illustrator (28):

  • added an alert if an incompatible version of Illustrator was used
  • added an on-screen timer to help with complex animations

2022.07.12 · 1.0.5 ★

Many major improvements:

  • changed rotation flags to <45 & 45>
  • changed movement flags to -x20 & +y30
  • changed f flag to o (origin of rotation)
  • changed o flag to t (transparency)
  • added flag d for delay
  • added scroll action point
  • added scroll action scrub
  • added mouse action down
  • changed name to Svija Life
  • added error handling for many common mistakes
  • added multi trigger/multi action capability

2022.07.05 · 1.0.4

First version under source control:

  • basic opacity animations
  • basic scaling and movement

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