
Screen Sizes

These are settings that determine which screen sizes will be supported by your website.

They also determine the size of the Illustrator files used to build your pages.

Note: if you only need a single screen size you can delete unused screen sizes. This may be useful if you are using Svija exclusively to prepare presentations, for example.

Artboard names in Illustrator must correspond to artboard names listed in Screen Size settings.

Delete: delete this screen size.

Save as new: create a new screen size with the same settings (has no effect on existing screen size).

Save and continue editing: save changes without returning to screen size list.

Close: return to screen size list without saving changes.

Save: save changes and return to screen size list.

History: list of past modifications to the screen size.

Artboard name: the name of the artboard in the Adobe Illustrator file.

Break point: window width where this screen size will stop being used (zero = unlimited).

Description: anything you like.

Display order: order in which different screens will be listed in Svija Cloud.

Pixel Dimensions

Artboard width: width of Illustrator artboard.

Visible width: width visible when window is loaded.

X offset: how much of left edge of page will be hidden when page is loaded.

Y offset: how much of top edge of page will be hidden when page is loaded.

Your Illustrator artboard doesn’t have to correspond to the visible width of the window.

For example, you can make it much wider, and only show part of it, or choose to hide the top of the page when it’s initially loaded.